As most of my readers are Scottish you'll probably be aware of the above as you were no doubt there yourself. But for those you who weren't there here's a recap of another amazing blogger meet-up (okay it was only my second...).
This was one was put on by the lovely Roisin and Gillian, with Bee coming in to work her event magic on the raffle. It was held in the Monkey Bar in Glasgow and all the stops were put out to make sure it was a great night. There were Christmas jumpers (and a competition for the worst one - won by yours truly), loads of goodies including Firetrap and Rox, a raffle with some amazing prizes (Glasgow piercing studio, Bonnie Bling, spirit tasting...), free wine, Yelp competition and Christmas crackers. There also ended up being loads of cocktails consumed, confusion between borders and bloggers, as well as an outfit photo session on Bath Street with Gillian and Jenn. Full outfit details will come when I post them haha! (Jenn also took a vlog - I have no idea if she will embarrass us with that!).
As everyone says if you find an invite to a blogger meet-up - attend. They truly are amazing. It's scary biscuits walking into a place where you know nobody but I love getting to meet bloggers. My IRL friends are now used to me taking photos of everything but they did have a lot of questions when I first took pictures of a stir-fry before eating it. But in a room full of bloggers we all have our cameras out anyway. And it's not considered rude to Tweet in the middle of a conversation. ;)
Also stoked to have won the Christmas jumper competition. As I said on the night, Jack Daniels is Christmassy as some people (shifty eyes) see Christmas as a booze fest. Cannot wait until my make-up lesson with Sara Hill.
All photos are on my Facebook page.