Is everyone enjoying spring? Or what we've seen of it so far. Personally, I'm still walking around in my winter coat cause I've had a cold for most of this month that won't budge (I'm thinking of starting a campaign to get Sudafed on the NHS - most of my spending this month has been on getting better). It's been a quiet month for me as I've been trying to stash a lot of money and get the savings pot going for some expensive purchases. I've also got a really busy April coming up (I'm writing this post on Tuesday because it's my only free night this week) work nights outs, a Girl Geek Brunch meet-up, the possibility of a friend visiting and a new flatmate.
Anyway enough about my bank balance and busy April. Links!
Food, veganism & animal rights
I've always been quite indifferent to cereal, but apparently millennials on the whole aren't feeling it.
If you're planning to feed the ducks this year: for the love of Pete, don't take bread.
The same Sarah also shares her first impression of the new Zizzi vegan menu.
If you're planning to feed the ducks this year: for the love of Pete, don't take bread.
Geek & Pop Culture
Have you ever noticed that all the women on TV have the same hair?
Science has proved that rom-coms have a dangerous underlying message promoting rape culture.
A Taste of Streep is weird but brilliant.
Echoing my veiws on why Batgirl is the best female superhero.
Echoing my veiws on why Batgirl is the best female superhero.
Feminism & Equality
You might have heard about Body Disphormia, but did you know how destructive it can be and the measures suffers go to to 'fix' their appearance.
I found myself laughing at this story from a women about the things she learnt about people's lingerie habits while working at Victoria's Secret.
The brilliant Sarah wrote an amazing post on why it's okay to not want children.
I know what it's like to be homeless, but not houseless. I might write about it someday but for now here is Rachel's story.
I know what it's like to be homeless, but not houseless. I might write about it someday but for now here is Rachel's story.
An inspiring piece from Claire on how she learnt to love anti-depressants.
Jeremy Corbyn is in favour of decriminalising sex work. The future is neigh.
If there's something I find myself calling feminists out on regularly it's shaming of small penises (and erectile dysfunction). Everyday Feminism has put into words why jokes about small penises are anti-feminist.
I've found myself getting lost in haircut ASMR roleplays this month, this one from Equilibrium ASMR had me tingling all over.If you're looking for a British ASMRartist to sooth away your stresses Be Calm With Becca is a new find of mine. Her Is ASMR Sexual? video if informative and softly spoken and her haircut roleplay (told you I was digging into this genre). You might reocgnise her from her lifestyle channel Becca C.
Voldemort's attempt at ASMR didn't make me tingle, but it did make me laugh.
If your ASMR is brought on by sounds, Ellie Alien is an excellent ASMRartist to check out (and this is coming from someone who's ASMR is brought on by roleplay!).
If your ASMR is brought on by sounds, Ellie Alien is an excellent ASMRartist to check out (and this is coming from someone who's ASMR is brought on by roleplay!).
There's an AirBnB that let's you run your bookshop for your stay....and it's in Scotland.
Pictures of open borders in the EU Schengen area.
I'm not sure if you've been watching The Cruise? I've only been watching for work but I got hooked, and wrote a blog post on why the Regal Princess is a ship every cruise lover should go on.
Pictures of open borders in the EU Schengen area.
I'm not sure if you've been watching The Cruise? I've only been watching for work but I got hooked, and wrote a blog post on why the Regal Princess is a ship every cruise lover should go on.
Ever wondered which typeface you are? Probably not, but there's a quiz for that anyway.
Up your selfie game with MSQRD.
If you've ever wanted to drink a latter with your own face on can do so.