If there's any type of product out there that I've tried almost every brand of, it's shampoo. And conditioner. Even before my cruelty-free days I was on the hunt for 'the one' (Herbal Essences were my favourite back in the day) - the shampoo which was the right balance between glossy but not greasy, freshly washed but not dried out. It may not be as exciting as finding the perfect work lipstick but finding the best shampoo out there was always high on my own beauty agenda.
And recently I found it the form of Faith in Nature Rosemary shampoo. I found this recently in a health store in Glasgow and having been previously very impressed with the shower gels I got for Christmas I decided to buy the rosemary one as it said suitable for oily hair. And from the first wash the results have been fantastic. My hair feels clean but not dried out. My hair is what would be known as 'combination' - I have very oily roots which can noticeably build up in less than 24 hours but have dry ends. This shampoo is so good that it has given me the confidence to train my hair to cope with a wash every second day (gives me a bit of a snooze every other day or time for a fancy breakfast).
The conditioner I've selected for this (meant for dry hair) doesn't quite get the title of 'the one', but it's still a good conditioner. I'll definitely finish the bottle but will probably go back to experimenting with other brands before I decide if this is one worth coming back to. But if you're still looking for the correct conditioner for your hair then Id' still give this a whirl.
It's very rare that I re-purchase products as I love to experiment with new ones. However I do believe I'll be popping down to health store to pick up a new bottle at some point in future (a little goes a long way so this may be well into the future).
Have you ever tried the Faith in Nature Shampoos or Conditioners?
Have you ever tried the Faith in Nature Shampoos or Conditioners?

P.S. Have you read my review of Mop shampoo or the Sea Kelp shampoo from The Scottish Fine Soaps Company?