I wouldn't say 2true is a brand I've seen mentioned much in blogging land and even though I had cleared their cruelty-free status some time ago the appeal of actually buying stuff from them wasn't really floating about me. It was only when I was watching a YouTube video of someone with amazingly done make-up (it was a non-famous YouTuber and I cannot for the life of me remember her name) who said she always prefers her 2true mascara to some of the designers ones in her collection that I decided I should give them a whirl.
And I have to agree with that YouTuber that the FLASHeyes Lash lengthening Mascara is a great little addition to a make-up bag - especially for something that cost me less than a fiver. Whilst there I also picked up their eyeliner pen (for no other reason then I needed a new one and was on a budget) which I've also been loving. Since finishing the eyeliner pen I have purchased an even better one (by Gosh Cosmetics) however the tech extreme eyeliner is certainly a great product and a fantastic one if you really do need to stay below the £5 threshold.
These two products were both very cheap and whilst I can't remember the price of them individually combined they were still less than £5 - bargain for two high quality products! They are great for make-up wearers on a budget but even if dropping £20 on a mascara isn't much a deal to you I'd still recommend picking these up because they are really good (and even rich people love a bargain).
Morag x
P.S. I bought these while ago before my vegan transition so whilst I can confirm they are cruelty-free I cannot speak whether they are suitable for vegans.