Must read: Pretty much the best post I have ever read regarding modern day blogging.
Us marketers will already be well-read in the art of selling to millennials. But what about selling to Gen Y in a B2B setting?
My new favourite fashion blog find: modHijabi.
If you're running a business: here's some creative ways to make your Instagram followers convert into sales.
Not got much money but want to keep romance alive? Here are 45 fun but cheap date ideas.
I've always loved a bit of self-improvement and one the hardest things for me to accept was finding balance between self-improvement and self-acceptance.
Another reason Seattle is on my travel-bucket list: rain-activated street art.
The best way to deal with homophobic hate mail? Turn it into confetti.
I've never been a festival, annnnnd I'm not sure I ever will. But if you fancy it here's Sarah ultimate Glastonbury packing list.
Want to improve your blog but don't have any post ideas? Here's a list of things to-do which don;t involve writing a post. (Also: new favourite blog about blogging alert).
So I've only just got into comics this year, but Batgirl is fast becoming a firm favourite. I think this post explains why I have so many feels towards her.
My favourite ASMR video from this week.
The beauty company Coty who are known for not allowing their child companies freedom to develop their own animal testing polcies, have just taken over a bunch of cosmetics companies.
The statistics on domestic violence in the UK have been called into question. The real picture is much more depressing.
When I still lived with my parents I tried to blog in the garden on several occasions. It never really worked. But these tips might have helped.
I'm don't own a single bit of vinyl but it's something I've toyed with over the years. Since Dizzy Up the Girl might be coming to vinyl maybe it's time to start.
A sport I've never had any interest in? Rugby. But I'm still excited that Scotland is getting to host a major sporting event.
Despite working my name into my blog name, I actually hate my name and have considered changing it (I've seriously considered Amber). Here's Olivia's story on legally changing hers.
If you love handmade Etsy stuff, may I suggest my friend Chloe's shop?
Are you looking to monetise your blog and thinking about approaching brands? Laicie has you covered.
Confused about fandom terminology? Lynsey has a video explaining it.
New favourite Tumblr alert: placing googly eyes on Magic the Gathering cards.
And finally, Travelodge denies their advert puppet is based off David Cameron. (ha!)