Not sure what to say to someone going through a difficult time? Maybe this illustration of animals can help.
I'm totalllly not into meditating, but if you are I've found a free course which might just be up your street.
Currently I'm trying to get into Game of Thrones but not quite feeling it. The numerous rape scenes aren't quite doing it for me, maybe this show that claims to be quite feminist will do it for me instead.
I have just about zero interest in ever biologically reproducing but adopting a child is something I would consider. This post on open adoption was so touching.
Teaching is one job you couldn't ever pay me enough money to do. But if you are a teacher here's Tami on how she stays sane.
Hahahaha: tips for living with a blogger.
I've mentioned before that my mum went to work whilst my dad looked after me/the home. I've also dated men who earned less than me and dated men who earned more. Here's an interesting article on gender, relationships and income gaps.
Dundee made Buzzfeed: 21 Things to Eat in Dundee.
And something to eat in the kitchen: kidney bean and peanut butter burger.
When I'm blogging either on mo'adore or professionally, I sometimes spend more time proof-reading than I do writing! Here's some tips on proofreading which I wholeheartedly agree with.
Some honest words on blogging and PR.
Charlotte Church is awesome: here's her response to some journalist calling her a champagne socialist.
Y'all know that I'm not the biggest fan of
Luxembourg's Prime Minister marries same sex partner!
Christina has a very similar view that I do towards people who cheat their way to the top.
I agree: e-mails are better to discuss professional projects.
I couldn't give an eff about Girl Online, but when Gala Darling announces she's writing a book? Alllll over it.
And finally, after last week's Dundee themed post and some pursuassion on Twitter, I went ahead and made a Facebook group for Dundee Bloggers (something I've been considering for ages). If you're in Dundee or have a strong Dundee connection, go join.