It's been a long time coming but Scotland is finally getting a VegFest.
The effect of the eclipse on solar PV output.
Some economists in the media can't even get their teminology correct.
I managed to get to the top of the search rankings without a link building strategy but if you're still not linking high enough this guide to link building might help push you up.
Also: A SEO guide for bloggers.
So...Phee's Make-Up Tips is a blog full of goldmines.
For reasons I won't go into I have trust issues when it comes to money and relationships, but this article makes a good argument on why couples should keep separate bank accounts.
Zoella is a new breed of celebrity and people need to get used to that!
Being assertive is something I suuucccccck at but this article provides a slightly different way of looking at it.
How a blind person puts on their make-up.
This Kickstarter has already reached its goal but you can still back a hot sauce subscription box.
I never had a Ken (but did have about 20 barbies) but clearly I was missing out on a lot.
What forgiveness looks like, when your father is a serial killer.
Buying these 12 things helps fund the Tories.
Nick Clegg also said that letters between Prince Charles and the Government should be kept private.
What it takes to be a kids clothes designer.
Sweden adds gender-neutral pronouns to its dictionary.
If, like me, you live in Glagow Central here is the Scottish Green's candidate's Facbook page (I'm in the cover photo :P)
An open letter to anyone who has ever said to woman "don't get too muscular".
An interview without someone who is studying masturbation patterns in birds.
America and internet obsession colliding: what each state Googles.
If you're still looking for the perfect Twitter chat to take part in.
The Vegan Lifestyle Association is a thing.
I'm always looking for new vegan or vegan-friendly places, so #VeganinScotland is up my street.
This week in what the Tory's have been up to.
A guide to wholefoods you can freeze.
This is the best fake geek girl rant I've watched, like, ever.
1) Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg went to school together and 2) he dealt her pot.
A dating site...for dead people.
And remember, you're beautiful the way you are.
The effect of the eclipse on solar PV output.
Some economists in the media can't even get their teminology correct.
I managed to get to the top of the search rankings without a link building strategy but if you're still not linking high enough this guide to link building might help push you up.
Also: A SEO guide for bloggers.
So...Phee's Make-Up Tips is a blog full of goldmines.
For reasons I won't go into I have trust issues when it comes to money and relationships, but this article makes a good argument on why couples should keep separate bank accounts.
Zoella is a new breed of celebrity and people need to get used to that!
Being assertive is something I suuucccccck at but this article provides a slightly different way of looking at it.
How a blind person puts on their make-up.
This Kickstarter has already reached its goal but you can still back a hot sauce subscription box.
I never had a Ken (but did have about 20 barbies) but clearly I was missing out on a lot.
What forgiveness looks like, when your father is a serial killer.
Buying these 12 things helps fund the Tories.
Nick Clegg also said that letters between Prince Charles and the Government should be kept private.
What it takes to be a kids clothes designer.
Sweden adds gender-neutral pronouns to its dictionary.
If, like me, you live in Glagow Central here is the Scottish Green's candidate's Facbook page (I'm in the cover photo :P)
An open letter to anyone who has ever said to woman "don't get too muscular".
An interview without someone who is studying masturbation patterns in birds.
America and internet obsession colliding: what each state Googles.
If you're still looking for the perfect Twitter chat to take part in.
The Vegan Lifestyle Association is a thing.
I'm always looking for new vegan or vegan-friendly places, so #VeganinScotland is up my street.
This week in what the Tory's have been up to.
A guide to wholefoods you can freeze.
This is the best fake geek girl rant I've watched, like, ever.
1) Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg went to school together and 2) he dealt her pot.
A dating site...for dead people.
And remember, you're beautiful the way you are.

P.S. I'm ill as fuck and have a funeral to go to today so it's a short one today. Much love. x