What's the biggest sexual misconception you had when you were younger? [NSFW] (I used to think sanitary towel was called a condom...)
An open letter to my (imaginary) daughter about sexting.
Scotland's same sex marriage bill: How MSPs voted
For anyone interested in the Dundee music scene.
Making energy less boring since 2010
Blogging advice I'm nodding my head along to
I fucking cried like a baby (and I never cry): Katy Perry and girl with autism sing Firework
Vegan Feminist Network
Confessions of a former misogynist
Recipes for singles and couples
I'm a deadbeat on a phone: 10 tips for the telephone intimated
So, Dundee didn't get City of Culture 2017 but my pal Alan (a real Dundonain, non some pseudo like me) summed up how quite a lot us felt about the bid.
Guess where Hull is on a map (har har, I kid kid - good luck with 2017!)