Because the BBC aren't going to tell you, are they?
Are you living your eulogy or your resume?
I fan-girl squeed when I noticed that one of my all-time favorite bloggers NubbyTwiglet is now launching a full service design studio.
Always Autumn is a fantastic vegan blog I discovered this week.
Why Apple fans like queing in lines.
Jack Osbourne has been diagnosed with MS and BBC News have a ran a FAQ on the condition (My aunt was diagnosed a few years ago so this is a cause close to my heart).
Greenhouse gas emissions from livestock can be cut by 30%, says FAO
Pepsi makes a big font fail (comes with a surprise trigger warning).
Door sixteen is my new favourite blog.
That weird thing we do, which we shouldn't (which I even made a new years resolution not to do) called looking at the Facebook of someone we don't like? Here is some psychology on it.
Rock my wedding is a brilliant UK based wedding blog with quirky ideas for the big day.
I've been meaning to add a posture post to my anit-diet series but Alle sums it all quite well anyway.
Street harrassment in an ideal world.
How to tell the Olsen twins apart. (Because who doesn't need to know this?).
P.S. I could already tell them apart. As long as they were standing beside each other.
Toasted pecan and blueberry couscous salad.
Coffee and espresso drinks explained.
Five bread recipes for fall and how to write on bread (this blog is also heaven as a whole).
Hot cocoa ornamnet favours.
26 things Summer Roberts wore in the first OC that were so 2003 (2003? I can remember watching the first ever episode).