How cute is that ring finger? tutorial here.
Welcome to the first installment of my 2013 Linkables! I started this feature twice in 2012: once called Morag Loves.... and then again near the end called Weekend Web Links. I was in two minds about changing the name again but I think we shall roll with it, won't we?
First off, some resolution love! Much kudos to fellow phobia sufferer Katie Snooks who is going to make 2013 the year she beats it! Much braver than me who keeps using the expensive excuse.
Another new year post I love came from Coffee and Heels who decided to keep things simple.
If you're needing a way to make sure you keep your resolutions how about making your own wall prints?
Also, to make sure you record all of 2013, a memory jar is a mega cute idea.
Mushrooms are one of my favourite vegetables so my mouth totally drooled when I seen these portobello mushroom burgers.
Another food that gets my drooling is red velvet anything. So how about some red velvet fudge? I'll be having some of that.
I recently met Juliet at the Christmas blogger meet-up and this week I sat down with her blog and ended up going through most of the archives. A mixed-bag lifestyle blog is my favourite type of blog and Juliet gets it spot on.
Ever spent so long planning something only for it to last hours in the end? Christmas can feel like that and Rosie agrees.
I wouldn't exactly call roller skating a hobby of mine, but the Topshop collection of roller skates are giving me summer ideas.
Do you ever assume you can't do something before you've even tried? Dana has some words for you. (As a side note: I forget my manners when someone asks a question that could easily have been Googled).
On that note, if you've ever wondered how to knit with your hands then here is your first tutorial.
Some feminism now! Do you agree with Jezebel on why guys hate being called creeps? I think the writer makes a good point.
If like me you're always looking for new blogs then Suzie put together a big list of her fav bloggers of the last year.
Happy Reading!