This week's LOLs on Buzzfeed: 23 faces everyone who went to a British Secondary School will remember.
I spotted this on Buzzfeed and I've never heard of this before but I relate to all the gifs. So I ask you readers, do I have resting nice face?
A Scottish newspaper backing independence launched this week and here's Lesley Riddoch's thoughts on it.
I have a day off work today and I'm spending it Christmas shopping. Think I'll pop in here too.
In Dundee, it's Book Yer Ane Fest this weekend (I was at the pre-fest in Glasgow last night) and I almost spat out water laughing at this survival guide written by the frontman of a Dundee band.
Absolutely fucking horrible story about the treatment of trans people.
12 do the coolest solar-powered products on the market.
The perfect gift for a gardener who likes a drink.
London's best vegetarian restaurants.
I've almost always exclusively dated men of the geeky persuasion despite not being particularly geeky myself, and people have things to say about that (mainly masculine/conventional men). This post is about a thin man and fat woman, but I do understand that people commenting or second-guessing a relationship because you're perceived as 'mis-matched' for shallow reasons.
How the Green Party says it would run the country.
Hahaha! Twelve habits of happy healthy people who don't give a shit about your inner peace.
Black and white pictures of animals getting baths.
Some pronoun etiquette for when talking to/about someone who doesn't want he or she.
More on Band Aid: "Traditionally, one would say that charity is used to mitigate the symptoms of social distress, while leaving its systemic causes intact. Here, it is not even relevant whether the symptoms are soothed. The important thing is the spectacle."
Ann Summers like a bit of recycling.
Learn the size of planets through illustrations of fruit.
Glasgow got a bike sharing scheme last year, and I just stumbled upon Chicago's version called Divvy (and it has beautiful branding).
Another book on the market about the ethics of eating meat.
Annnnnd, a German Shepard howling at his owner singing in the shower.
Morag x