Halloween has passed but I loved this piece on women's Halloween costume choices.
I'm a firm believer that cheerleading is a sport, and this piece covers it pefectly.
I was introduced to Ali G over the past week (I know, but I was quite young during his prime) and his interview with Tony Benn was probably my favourite, and here's an old Guardian article I found written by Benn a year later.
I can't imagine many of you guys being SeaWorld fans, but here's just something else anyway.
Look, I love that the word feminism is now officially mainstream but that Elle t-shirt thing had me seething. Charlotte of Gin & Ginger explains in a calmer way why it's problematic (and she runs a fantastic blog I'm glad I found).
It's long but this is a very detailed history of Africa prior to Europeans arriving.
For your Christmas wishlist: NYC taxi driver pin-up calendar.
An exhibition that showcases posters which were pivotal in social movements, will be moving away from London and coming to Scotland (specifically Dundee).
Facebook have now banned 'like this page to see the content' on business pages, but it was never a good thing to do for your brand anyway.
Something to eat: vegan pumpkin paneer.
The low down on a new art shop in Glasgow!
It's maybe a bit more expensive than your regular paper and print wedding invite but a tea towel wedding invite is cute and also reusable!
For crafty cocktail-fiends: make your own paper umbrellas.
A brilliant piece on Renée Zellweger and older women win Hollywood.
Fat shaming in the vegan community.
The Google Street View images being taken by a camel. Whhaaaaaat?
Psychology Today agrees with me that couples who maintain individuality have a better chance of going the distance.
On that note, how to avoid become 'we' and losing the 'me'.
I've written a blog of some kind for circa ten years...and I loved this list of 50 lessons from ten years of blogging.
You go Rhode Island! High five for transgender rights!
Morag x