Dress: H&M
Belt H&M (as part of this dress)
Necklace: Ortak
Mood ring: Rara & the pretty vacant showrooms
I'm beginning to win with the DSLR camera. Need to work on my full body shots though.
This dress was purchased on Tuesday on my 'I'm-now-finished-university' spree. And made it's debut in public yesterday for work. It's not normally I'd go into work with red lips and a thought-out outfit but 1) exam stress was over and 2) I had a new dress that needed showing off. Justified reason to put aside the florescent green Dublin hoodie from 2010 that I usually chuck on.
The mood ring that I managed to get a clear close-up of is my go-to ring which is almost always on me. Rara & the pretty vacant showrooms is an independent shop in Dundee which is lovely. Dundee hasn't got the vintage charm of Edinburgh or Glasgow but if you know where to look you can find some goodies. I've always love mood rings and squealed when I seen I could get them in a variety of shapes instead of the usual plain band.
Morag x