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First World Problems: A Check On Reality

Anyone who uses the internet, has a shed of humanity or, like me, is an avid reader of Yes and Yes will know about First World Problems.

You know the "problems" that people in developed nations face such as that giant zit on their face, double chins in that Facebook picture they were just tagged in or dropping their phone down the toilet in a drunken stutter.

But if these people were to put their problems into a pile with those from a third world country they would no doubt say "It's okay, I'll accept my flabby thighs as long as I can live in a country that permits women to vote".

I've always been a fan of reading about people who've been through traumatic experiences, not because I like reading about depressing stories, but because it reminds me to grateful for what I have. Maybe the only thing that puts me off getting a tattoo is my mother's reaction (it would be along the lines of what "YOU'LL REGRET THAT WHEN YOU'RE SIXTY") but at least she's not Dave Pelzer's mum.

So in praise of being grateful for my first world privilege here are my first world problems:
  • Eating raw all the time is not possible in the real day-to-day world. 
  • In the past month I have had to tell two male friends "I love you, but only as a friend"
  • My PC mouse is non-responsive, I still haven't haven't replaced my sound card and my PC chair cannot be raised any higher.
  • I have very little plans as to what to do when university ends
  • I also have very little idea of what to base my dissertation on
  • I forgot to fill out my timesheet for work this week

I'd certainly rather have these problems than the little girl who goes "well, my mum just died from HIV". Just saying.
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