Finding a cruelty-free deodrant is difficult. I am never organised enough when it comes to ordering (and re-ordering) beauty products online which leaves me looking to the high street every time I run out. And the only cruelty-free brand on the high street who I know sell deodrant is The Body Shop.
You might have spotted that I tend to give Body Shop products negative reviews and then there is the whole issue about how some consumers might feel about parent companies (and The Body Shop is owned by that lovely French company who we all know never tests *sarcasm*). But I needed a new deodrant and I was sick of buying stuff I knew was directly tested on an animals so grabbed the Aloe Anti-Perspirant Deodrant Plus, I am a long-term buyer of their deoderising foot spray so I thought I would take a gamble that this was one of the good products.
First off, the Aloe deodrant smells of very little. I do admittedly have a weak sense of smell but I'm pretty certain that this really had no smell at all. I did sniff the other deodrant in store which was the White Musk deodorant but I have a distaste for musky smells so chose this one (there's was a male one too, which I surprisingly didn't pick...). So if you like your deodrant to smells of ziltch you may well like this.
And as for sweating. My first day wearing this was when I was attending The Gaslight Anthem gig after a full day at work. And much to my surprise it held up. Okay, so I was only two rows back at a gig that had about 12 crowd surfers so I did still sweat a bit but it held up much better than I anticipated.
As for day to day sweating it has held up nicely. My day generally consists of sitting in a office, then coming home to cook, blog, do some freelance type work and then watch whatever I fancy on TV so admittedly my body isn't being challenged much. If your day is a lot more active than mine then I can't make you any promises. I would also say it works much much much better on shaved underarms. I kept forgetting to buy a new razor/ bottle of shaving foam (ahem) and I did find myself getting paranoid about other people standing too close. But now that my underarms routine is back I have experienced no sweating or BO smells.
I am not yet aware of any deodorants on the high street which are cruelty free and unless I do hear of any others then it is extremely likely that this will become a re-purchased product! Thumbs up Body Shop, thumbs up.