As someone who has an unusual name, I agree with everything this post says.
On that note, need to know how to pronounce a unusual name? Here is your guide.
12 sneaky pies pretending to be milkshakes
I do love a bit of Edinburgh and the lovely Lynne has put together a small eating out guide.
A Brooklyn based vegan clothing line (that ships internationally).
101 everyday ways for men to be allies to women.
Male sexual entitlement hurts everyone.
Start-up toolkit (a list of everything you need to get started in a business)
Fill in the blanks blog titles.
Homemade chai latte.
If Disney Princesses had Instagram.
Tomato basil pizza dip.
Grilled polenta with avocado relish.
Make yourself some fancy toast.
I've been loving Tegan and Sara recently - especially the song My Number.

P.S. The electricity in my flat has been acting up, hence my lack of blogging. It's back now and next week I'm off work. :D