I bought this late August with five empty Lush pots that I had built up (if you're not a Lush fanatic - five empty Lush pots = free facemask!). I had already tried Cosmetic Warrior and Cupcake but before declaring the latter my favourite face mask of all time I wanted to try the entire range, just to make sure. My skin is really bad and I want to make sure I never miss out on a brilliant product. I picked this up believing that it was the final facemask of the collection suited for oily skin but have since realise that Catastrophe Cosmetic would also suit, so there is one more to try before deciding on my fav.
First off, like a lot of fresh toiletries, it looks a little disgusting. It's green and has exfoliants in it and whilst it doesn't have a strong scent, lettuce hardly drums up connotations of luxury. So yes, the appearance put me off a bit. But if it does the job then it shouldn't matter if it is green and lumpy.
Application wise I found that a thin layer would dry more easily than a thick layer. If you want to wait for a really thick layer to dry upon your skin then you'll be there are while. So if you do purchase it - then a thin layer works better.
Immediately after using this mask my skin did feel refreshed and really clean. And also soft. So it was good if I was heading somewhere special the next day. Or would make a good mask to pamper myself with before going out (I learnt, on the contrary, years ago that a mask will bring dirt to the surface so don't do it the night of a big date - this mask felt different).
However, overall I didn't notice any long term improvements to my skin. I still got new spots and my blackheads didn't seem to get smaller. I have really stubborn skin that would still be more suited to a fourteen year old so I'm sometimes not the best person to review products from the 'average' person perspective but if you're like me and have oily skin then I'm not going to thoroughly recommend this product. I know that Hayley of Water Painted Dreams loves the stuff so it obviously works for some people, but for my spotty skin it's looking like Cupcake it still the magical product that kept the spots at bay! I imagine if you have normal skin that you still want to pamper each week then this might well just be the mask for you!
I also want to apologise for all my product reviews recently being very 'not good for oily skin but could still be good for other skin types'. It's just my honest opinion for a lot of the products I've been trying recently. Hopefully I'll find a product to rave about soon!
I also want to apologise for all my product reviews recently being very 'not good for oily skin but could still be good for other skin types'. It's just my honest opinion for a lot of the products I've been trying recently. Hopefully I'll find a product to rave about soon!