I know it's cliche to say, but holy moly we're halfway through the year! I hope everything has been going swimmingly for you and that 2016 is shaping up to be everything you wanted it to be. I'm currently sitting in my bed, planning to have a lazy Sunday after nipping through to Edinburgh on Friday for some 10-pin bowling with my university friends. Right after I hit publish I'm going to carry on working my way through Season 6 of Game of Thrones and this afternoon I'm planning to work on some more blog posts (that sewing pattern I Instagrammed from the Remnant Kings event? I finished it yesterday and can't wait to share the final piece!).
Geek & Pop Culture
Maisie William is my spirit animal.
I'm in my mid-20s and have already been told that I'm "too old to fangirl". I hope I'm still fangirling in my 30s.
I have to admit - and don't hit me - Haley Quinn is far down my list of favourite female superhereos. But I still loved this lookback at the development of the character.
I've never been to Chicago, but if I ever do I'm heading to the Saved by the Bell diner.
I love incorporating my fandoms into my outfits: and here's some super-cute ideas on how to do so.
A bookworm living in the north of England? Here are some of the best indie bookshops to check out.
A mathematician sat down to work out who Game of Thrones main character really is. I'm glad people like this exist.
Home & Garden
A super cute craft project: donut pillow.
Wellbeing & Self-Improvement
Feeling emotionally exhausted? 40 ways to rejuvenate yourself right now.
Ever written a break-up letter to an ex? Embarrassingly, I have (I was a teenager). If you struggle to let go of personal belongings, maybe you need to write your soon to be ex-stuff a break-up letter too?
Ever been upset over the end of a non-relationship? Me too. This writer too.
I've discovered a soothing new ASMRtist this month: Karuna Satori.
Sex & Relationships
Ever changed your mind about having sex with someone when you found out they didn't look as good naked? This guy has been on the receiving end. (Just to state, you ARE allowed to change your mind about having sex with someone - every time - but this is a must-read).
Ever been upset over the end of a non-relationship? Me too. This writer too.
I've discovered a soothing new ASMRtist this month: Karuna Satori.
Sex & Relationships
Ever changed your mind about having sex with someone when you found out they didn't look as good naked? This guy has been on the receiving end. (Just to state, you ARE allowed to change your mind about having sex with someone - every time - but this is a must-read).
On a dating app? Here's how to spruce up your profile.
Does the idea of casual sex not appeal to you at all? You're not the only one and that is completely okay (and completely feminist in a sex-positive way!).
Creepy messages on dating apps aren't 'right', but here's a pretty strong argument for why they happen.
I'm fascinated by the Kardashians and even if you're not, you can't deny this is a well-written piece.
I always had a 'summer' growing up, largely to privilege and having one parent that was stay-at-home. It only occurred to me as an adult that some families can't afford a summer.
If you voted Remain (like I've very clearly stated I did) there's some lessons we can learn from the Brexit vote in order to move forward.
Looking to start your own business or join a MLM company? Go girl! But don't discredit the 9-5 in the process.